8 Signs You Do Not Have a Good Real Estate Agent

#1: You Haven’t Heard From Your Realtor

If your agent isn’t in touch with you, he’s not motivated to work with you. Whether you’re buying or selling, you should hear from your agent frequently. If you feel like he is too busy or lazy to bother with you, he probably is.

#2: Your Agent Can’t Answer Your Questions

We can’t expect every agent to have the answer to every question, but we know that every agent has the resources to get your questions answered. If you ask a question, your agent should be able to reach out to her broker, fellow agents, or a real estate attorney for the answer. Work with an agent who works hard to get the information you need.

#3: He Never Picks Up His Phone

Good real estate agents should be available for their clients. There will be times he will be with other clients and can’t pick up the phone, but you should expect a return phone call within the same business day. If your agent refuses to answer his phone on weekends or after 5 pm, he needs to find a new career.

#4 : She Rushes You During Showings or Appointments

Buying a home is the biggest investment you’re making at the moment. You should feel comfortable taking your time to view property.

#5 : He Pushes You to Make a Decision

You should not feel rushed or pressed to make any decision, except for time-sensitive ones. If you’ve committed to a property and now need to sign papers within 24 hours, it’s okay if your agent has a sense of urgency. However, if you see a home on Thursday morning and your agent calls begging for an offer by 1 pm, he may be a little too brash. You need to feel comfortable with the pace of your commitment.

#6 : She Shows You Homes For Sale That Do Not Meet Your Criteria

While there can be some flexibility in your criteria, your agent shouldn’t be showing you 2-bedroom homes when you’ve told her you need four bedrooms. If you’ve clearly told her that you need to be in a specific school zone and she continues to show homes in other areas, it’s time to end your relationship.

#7 : He Coerces You to Increase Your Budget

This is one area where your agent would be out of line. There are times when we have to tell clients that their budget needs to increase if they want to get everything on their wishlists, however, we would never have that conversation if there were homes that met their criteria and were within their budget. Some agents like to push the envelope and get clients into a higher price point only to leave them struggling to make payments for years. Don’t make the mistake of allowing your agent to dictate your budget.

#8 : She’s Not Familiar With the Area

If your agent can’t tell you where the nearest grocery store is located, find someone who can.

Breaking a relationship with a professional is not always easy, but you need to make sure you work with someone who is knowledgeable, experienced, and makes you their priority.

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